Saturday, March 04, 2006


i just spent a week with two huge, drooling boxers. as a favor (and to earn some extra money), i agreed to spend the week watching irbe & bou. they were really sweet dogs...maybe a little too sweet. they always wanted to be near me, so near that their drool rubbed off on me. no matter what i did, i always left the house with slobber marks on my clothing. when they shook their heads, the drool flung off their mouths like an instant replay of the movie "turner and hooch". i went to open the refrigerator door, and one of them must have been licking the handle, because i got a handful of canine saliva. this is maybe the grossest thing i've experienced.



At 8:36 AM, Blogger Paige Puckett said...

that's pretty nasty. i am not a fan of dog drool at all. i've always wanted a big dog... but it would have to be the non-drooly kind. cats rarely drool although they do get eye goop.


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